Friday, May 07, 2010

Unemployed: Seize This Day Unlike Any Other For Tier 5

The United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the national unemployment number as 9.9%.  The break down of state by state numbers are scheduled to be released on May 21, 2010, at 10:00 AM EST.  (This would be another chart indicating which states have the highest unemployment). 

If you do not have a Twitter account, take a few seconds to create one.  All day long #unemployment will be a trending topic.  ALL DAY LONG.  Millions will be reading the tweets about unemployment.  This is our opportunity to include our message advocating for a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension. 

Tweet something like this for example:  #Unemployment - Tier 5 is needed with 9.9% Unemployment Rate. Ask Congress To Extend Benefits At #Tier5

(Placing the # sign in front of unemployment and also #Tier5 and then including a link to a petition or any other website that is currently advocating for a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension.)  Tier 5 Advocates can make Tier 5 Unemployment a trending topic.  Do not underestimate the ability of this type of publicity and the opportunity to get other Americans to participate in the cause and see the need for Tier 5 Unemployment Extensions. 

Sooner or later after seeing #Tier5 as a trending topic on Twitter people are going to get curious.  We need our best carnival barkers for this but it might raise awareness. 

Seize today like no other days.  This is an opportunity to be heard by the nation.  Unemployment will be up for discussion all day today and perhaps all throughout the weekend. 
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