Monday, May 10, 2010

California Unemployment Rate 12.6% - 4.7 Million Jobless Depending On Tier 5 Unemployment

According to the most recent estimates from the Census, the State of California has the largest population in the country with a total population of 37,172,015. [Source]  Consider this when you factor in the most currently known unemployment rate in that state, 12.6%, and you can total at least 4.7 Million Jobless Americans in California alone.  The largest state impacted by this recession due to population. [Source] 

These figures are based on March, 2010 unemployment numbers taken at face value.  They do not take into account anyone in that state who may be off the grid and uncounted.  Not to mention all of the workers who are trying to obtain any work they can get; be that 20 hours, 10 hours, or even 4 hours a week or less.  Under the current system for calculation, these persons are counted as employed. 

When talking about California unemployment alone, it is safe to measure that number in millions.  And millions are depending on the action of government for a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension.  Just like everywhere else in the country, job creation is slow at best.  The State's system for handling unemployment claims is flooded. 

California's EDD (Employment Development Department) cannot keep up with the demands of the millions of jobless in California.  Comparable to other unemployment systems in other states, the system is out-dated and cannot keep up with the demand.  Nonetheless, millions depend on that system. 

The official website for the Employment Development Department:

Links to forums or or other social gathering where the unemployed in California can collaborate information: 

Four Pillars Forum - California Unemployment Benefit Extension

Unemployed-Friends Forum - California

Facebook Group - California Government

If anyone knows of other sources for the millions of unemployed to gain information, please post in comments.  This is an ongoing effort to provide as many resources as possible to the millions of jobless in California, including the advocacy of a fifth tier of unemployment benefits. 

With this many millions unemployed, Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein need to be doing all they can to advocate for the continued extension of unemployment insurance to these people.  In addition to the 53 Representatives in Washington, D.C. representing the districts in California.  Contact information for these Representatives can be found here:

If you are a long term unemployed Californian you may be already aware of these resources, however if you are someone laid off late last year this information may be useful.  This is a continuing project of US Unemployed Blogsite to post information for all states in an effort to make an organized contact sheet for the jobless in America.
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