Friday, May 21, 2010

North Carolina Unemployment Rate 11.1% - 1 Million Jobless In North Carolina Need A Tier 5 Unemployment Extension

According to the United States Census Bureau and with the help of Google data, the current estimated population of North Carolina is 9,380,884.  With the current estimated percentage of jobless in that state with numbers from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate is calculated at 11.1%.  Just using the raw data, this makes for over a million who are jobless in North Carolina. Precisely based on these two figures, the total number of jobless that we know are 1,041,278.

Each and every one of these jobless in North Carolina deserve to have unemployment insurance as long as they need the assistance until the job market full recovers.  Just like all of the other states, there are not enough jobs for every unemployed person.  Congress needs to implement a Tier 5 for unemployment assistance for the long-term jobless.

Senators Richard Burr and Kay Hagan need to be doing all they can to alleviate the problem of lack of jobs.  Until then, the absolute least thing these Senators can do is support and introduce legislation that extends the amount of weeks available for the unemployed in their state.  If there are not enough jobs, there are not enough jobs.  It's that simple.  There should not even be a need to debate it.  The debate should be over how to get the assistance to these people fast enough. 

If you are jobless in North Carolina, please contact your Senators and tell them your situation.  Do not be afraid of these people.  You pay their high six figure salaries.  Government is supposed to work for the people.  Get your voice heard to them. 

The contact information for these Senators is located here:

The unemployed from North Carolina are sharing resources and communicating here: as well as any comments that may be on this posting that may keep the unemployed in North Carolina updated. 

The official North Carolina Department of Labor page is:

If anyone has any more links for resources specific to the State of North Carolina, please post that information in comments so that all North Carolina unemployed have access to these resources.
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